:Food Friday - Banana-Q
>> Friday, November 27, 2009

Career, Job, Business, Finance, Hobbies, Travel .....
1. Brad Blauser
2. Jordan Thomas
3. Doc Hendley
4. Jorge Munoz
5. Budi Soehardi
6. Roy Foster
7. Betty Makoni
8. Andrea Ivory
9. Derrick Tabb
10.Efren Peñaflorida
They're all heroes and winners for me. I just have to vote for which I think is the best. For the top ten's heroic deeds visit CNN.
You Should Travel Around the World
When you travel, you want to experience the journey as much as the destination.
You want a vacation that really immerses you in a culture.
You should travel:
By train, across all of Asia
With the Peace Corps
As a foreign language teacher
On an around the world ticket
Spending a few months in one place
Your Worry Factor is 15%
You hardly ever worry. In fact, you often feel like you don't have a care in the world.
It's not that your life is magically easy. You just don't dwell on worse case scenarios.
You figure that you'll be able to handle whatever life throws at you.
No use worrying about what could go wrong, especially when so much is going right!
I like looking at beautiful cars and I’m eyes are always attracted to car’s accessories especially if it’s unique. I don’t want accessories that almost all have it in their cars, I want something unique. In our own car we accessorize the interior with cute items that my kids like but outside I’ve been thinking of a different one that will look something original. No I’m not that choosy about accessories I just want fresh ideas that’s all.
You Should Write in a Journal
Part of what's stressing you out right now is not having all your thoughts sorted out.
There's a lot of confusion and chaos going on, and you need to get a handle on it all. And there's no better way to do that than to start writing.
At first your journal make not make sense to you, but that's okay. Just writing things down will help you.
Over time, you'll find that it's great to have an outlet to think, vent, and dream without judgment. Just make sure to put a lock on that journal!
So if you feel you want to de-stress try this quick blogthings quiz and find out for yourself.
1. Open your instant messaging site, join chatrooms and chat endlessly
3. Hop from one blog to another
4. Open your Multiply, Friendster, Facebook, My Space and other social networking sites
5. Browse online shopping stores and make a list of your 'to buy' items until your eyes are tired
5. Open You Tube and open endless videos
6. Visit forums and comment as many as you can
7. Open chikka and text endlessly
8. Watch videos at YouTube
9. Download music and movies
10. Use Twitter the whole day
2) Can you play a musical instrument? What instrument would you like to learn?
I don't play musical instrument though my ancestors are musicians. I want to learn how to play guitar and piano
3) Who was (or is) the scariest teacher you know?
My scariest teacher is my effective speech teacher in College, she's so scary that my friends and me shifted to another department to take up effective speech together with Banking and Finance students, we're all Computer Engineering students. I have a high school friend there so she helped us to get in their class.
Actually our scary teacher is not that intelligent or super bright but she has this attitude of making all students fail in her subject, we can't bear that attitude coz we're maintaining our high grades, we're on the quota course and we must have high grades on all our subjects be it major or minor.
We enjoyed our shift and made friends with our classmates in different course. We even improved ourselves because we had a very bright professor who handled and taught us perfectly but after the semester we were advised by our computer engineering dean not to do it again :-)
4) Show and Tell. What comes to mind first when you see this picture? Or, tell a story if it reminds you of one.
Is that a penquin? I presumed one is making a banner of penquins because there will be a great showcase of them playing or doing tricks :-)
Dropper | # of drops |
The Modern Mom | 29 |
A Simple Life | 28 |
Life's Tricky Situations | 28 |
Life's sweets and spices | 28 |
moms..... check nyo | 28 |
Mommy's Little Corner | 28 |
Take a coffee break... | 28 |
Yummy-as-can-be | 28 |
The Grill Man | 25 |
Patsy's Words of Wisdom | 25 |
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