>> Friday, September 11, 2009


Graphic courtesy of Tonya! we go!

1. That's a hard task.. to be friends with your enemy but it's also a noble thing

2. Can't you find me? I'm over here!

3. The possibilities include: more online opportunities if not employed full time

4. Buco fruit salad is one of my favorite cool day recipes.

5. How will you know if I'm gonna make it if you will not accompany me

6. A good home video, some popcorns and a stormy sky.. what a combination!

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to watching movie in HBO, tomorrow my plans include finishing all my due tasks & house chores and Sunday, I want to be early in going to church!

For more Friday Fill-Ins entry just click here


Protection for My Kids

Josh had his birthday last week and we had a nice time celebrating it in the mall where hubby works. We chose to go to his place of work for his convenience and we save his time traveling just to be with us. We rounded up the new Sky Dome in SM North and we had our dinner when we’re all tired from playing in the arcade, strolling the new sky garden and many other activities mostly by the birthday celebrants.

The next day the kids were still excited from the previous day out and planning to have another outing but this time they want another location, probably an outdoor place where they run, play and have some picnic in a vast area. Well as the sun is sometimes scorching when it gets to shine I should bring some protection for my kids in their outdoor picnic. As the sun will have some harmful effects on my kids I prefer them to wear hats and glasses just in case the sun chose to shine the whole day.

Short of time to look elsewhere but online I’m glad to find some really helpful ideas from baby banz products that will help protect my kids’ sensitive skin. I found some nice hats, caps and glasses that would do well with our outdoor travel and picnic. I know that with the products’ special UV protection it will keep my kids protected from the harmful UV rays of the sun. I know we’ll enjoy the outing.


Happy Grandparents' Day

They're the most caring and understanding member of the family. They never seem to get enough of their little darlings - their grand children- and always giving them what they want. If you happen to see one spoiled kid ask him who takes care of him and most probably his answer would be 'my granny'.

My Mom is a perfect example of a caring grandparent mostly to my kids as they grew up in my Mom's nest unlike my brother's children who lives in different house. Now that my Mom is in her golden years her objective in life is to make us all happy and contented. Her happiness is on seeing us well and good in every aspect of our lives. Her little darlings are her grandchildren but Josh is the closest kid to her as they're together since Josh was born (like my daughters also) and Josh is a charming little kid that makes my Mom smiling always at his antics.

We may not always say it as much as Josh did many times in a day but we really love you Mom! Lola!


The Best Web Hosting Choice

I noticed that I’ve already discussed this subject here but actually the subject regarding web hosting is very relevant to me and to all bloggers I know. When you maintain a site of your own you spent a lot of time online and spending most of your time on the web means you also need a server that will give you a 24-hour service. It’s a must that your server can be relied upon to serve your site without downtime. Visitors from all over the world drops and visits at different time frames and if your web host is not capable of giving you superb service you’ll lose the traffic that you worked hard for. Anyway there are lots of web host available to serve you, you just have to be careful in choosing the right one for your site. You must first identify what you really need and require before attempting finding your web host.

Searching and reading reviews can help a novice in selecting but if you try to visit deciding on the right web host can be easier. The factors that should be considered in selecting are the server up time, reliability, capabilities, technical support and affordability. Well Web Hosting Choice can help with the list of top ten web host with comparison of the four factors that I’ve mentioned earlier.


:Food Friday - Taho!

Hmm just love thinking about this one as I'm working late now! This is my taho when I was included in my kids' order from the vendor last weekend. They only buy when they have no classes as they go to school very early. I just like taho, it's 'arnibal' and sago, perfect combination. I love this one especially when it's hot, really yummy! Would you believe that we have the same taho vendor suki since I was in high school? He's still the same supplier up to now and it passed two generations already :-)

Happy Food Friday to all, see other yummy foods here!


Home Loans for Bad Credit

It’s every couple’s dream to own a house of their own to start a life and family together. But owning a decent house these days can be very expensive and some people can’t afford to buy it in cash so they apply for house loans to achieve their dream. It’s not easy to search for company and apply for a loan because you’ll need a lot of documents to prove that you’re eligible and capable of paying the loan. Here the combined salaries of couple will be computed to gauge their payment capabilities. There’s also a credit investigation wherein former credits will be asked and investigated. It’s easier if you have a good credit standing with creditors because your loan will be granted easily.

How about those with bad credit history? In the past the answer could be no but now you can get Loans for Bad Credit at which specifically provides a loan for people with bad credit. You can have a bad credit home loan if you want to buy a house because this kind of loan is offered especially to those people who have less than perfect credit. The only thing that differs from the ordinary home loan is that the interest rate is higher than the normal house loan. For me this is good enough as this is a good chance for people who had a bad credit reputation. Anyway there are options available like no mortgage insurance programs and flexible loan repayment terms. You can visit their site for detailed info.


Need Some Practice!

I had the best nap ever in a month late this afternoon as I’m tired from a week long busy schedule. My friend is teasing me that even now that I’m just working at home my schedule and work seem to file up to my neck. I’ve been thinking about what she said and I realized that ever since I started working at home I’ve scheduled too many activities outside that I’m practically rushing my online tasks just to beat my due dates. Oh well what you can expect from me, I’ve been working for several years and my only vacation was spent when I delivered my kids. Other than maternity leave I only leave from work on some occasions at house or school activities. Since I’ve graduated from college it’s only now that I get to stay at home longer. I know after a week or so I’ll be able to manage my time and schedule perfectly. I just need some practice.


Driver’s Responsibility

I’ve been hearing and seeing accidents whenever I watch evening news that sometimes I skipped some of the news related to that subject. It just annoyed me that there are professional drivers that don’t seem to know what they’re doing on the road. They supposed to know the rules perfectly because it’s their job and source of income. They just don’t love their work; they only want the money that they get from driving. It’s just unfortunate that innocent people become victims of these reckless drivers.

Few weeks ago there was news about the accident involving a mother and her child which caused the death of the child and leaving the mother severely injured. I hope that they will find the best lawyer to assault the suspect so justice will be given to the victims. For personal cases like vehicular and road accidents we should get an experienced lawyer like Seattle personal injury lawyer to represent injury victims for justice to prevail. Reckless drivers should learn that driving is not just a profession but it’s also a big responsibility to rule the road with skills and conscience.


About This Blog

This blog talks about everything about career, job and human resource. It also shares about hobbies, sports and travel. Several years in corporate world taught me a lot of things about life and work and I'm sharing all of these here.

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