I ♥ Faces - Halloween Dress Up

>> Monday, October 26, 2009

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This is my son Josh in Robin costume and his friend Carl in Count Dracula costume in their Halloween/Costume party in St. Audry learning center last year. Josh should be posing with Batman here as his partner but Batman was nowhere in sight so Count Dracula teamed up with him lol :-) Anyway they're the best of friends in school and also in our community as Carl lives three blocks away from us.

This week's theme at I Heart Faces the theme is Halloween Dress Up so I picked this last year's pic for this week's meme! It's been months since I last joined in here! Good to come back again at I ♥ Faces. Visit more dress up entries here.


Looking for Additional Vehicle

We had a meeting yesterday at the church about our coming camp meeting fellowship which will be held in time for holiday season. The camp will run for four days so we need a lot of preparation because all things must be complete and ready for 4-day supply of clothes, food and other basic essentials. Our camping place is a 3-hectare villa with banana and other fruit plantations and a resort also on the other side of the villa. The place is far from the nearest town market so we should think of foods that will last for four days without being spoiled. The answer to this is cooking foods in a good preservative recipe and bringing canned foods and easy-to-cook packed meals.

Anyway we were trained for these things so it will not be much of a problem. Our problem is actually one bigger vehicle for us and our other brethren because as of now we only have 4 vehicles. I was thinking that a motor home would be perfect for us if only we have one. I will not buy of course as it’s too expensive I just saw some offers of rv financing for brand new and used RVs. Well it’s just a thought nothing more and I just love looking at motor homes, it thrills me to dream of having one.


Searching for Josh Costume

I’m searching for Josh costume for their party on Wednesday. Every year they have this costume party held on last week of October. For two years he used his Robin costume but this year I want another character or another kind of costume. Just this morning Josh was telling me if he could wear scary costume. I told him it will not fit him and I don’t want him to look like a zombie or Frankenstein even on costume only. We were both looking and searching online for possible costume and I pointed out to him that it’s not necessarily a scary Halloween clothes or look but anything that will look like a costume. After one hour of explanation he succumbed and we settled for Spiderman. Of course he loves Spiderman it’s one of his favorites.


Our Welder’s Safety Glasses

We were having our steel gate repaired because rust is slowly forming at the bottom so I just instructed the welder to replace the plain aluminum bottom area with the same design as with the top. I just want to make sure that when they install the gate it would last for a long time rust-free so I replaced the area with small rusts forming. The result is beautiful as it add some style to the gate unlike the previous design which was so plain and simple.

Anyway I find the welder’s safety glasses unique as it resembles my Mom’s protective glasses when her cataract was removed. When I told the welder that it’s like my Mom’s glasses he told me that his safety glasses was missing and he’s using his Mom’s eyeglasses for the meantime. His Mom’s eyes were also operated the reason why he has the same protective glasses. Funny glasses for a welder!


How Phobic I Am

Lately my friends and I were talking about our phobias for things and animals. Actually the main phobias I have is that of being in small confined or closed areas and of heights. Yes I'm afraid of heights that's why even if I want to ride in those awesome rides in Enchanted Kingdom I can't because I fear heights and I think mechanical equipments are not that safe even if the park's staff were so disciplined in maintenance and regular checkup. I came across this quiz about how phobic we are and this is the result of my test, care to see them!

You Are 28% Phobic

Scared? You? Not really. Everyone has a few normal phobias, and you're no exception.
It's okay to be afraid of a few things. You wouldn't be human if you weren't.


Getting Your Premium Seats Online

The stress and pressure of everyday life sometimes takes it toll on us that’s why we always felt being tired and worn out. If you’re feeling a lot like this for days like me you should find something that will relax your mind, body and senses. We can always find ways like going to a vacation, taking a leave from our work, have dinner with special someone or just simply spend sometime watching quality event shows. We know that not all people have the same hobbies or inclination but most really would appreciate a night of relaxation watching events especially sports which is the favorite show of most men. Now no need to wait in line just to get a ticket to your favorite show as you can get in online. For those who love watching football games you can now be assured that you’ll get the ACC Football Championship Tickets you’ve been saving your day for. You can also get many tickets for the whole family to enjoy with the best deals available at ACheatSeat.com everyday.

Actually I was just helping a friend get his ticket when I came upon ACheapseat.com, a professional ticket broker which can help you get premium seating to special events without the discomfort of waiting in long line. You can now easily avail tickets of your favorite concert, theater and sport shows like Dallas Cowboy Tickets in the most competitive price available in their site. You can really relax your mind and body because you’ll have no difficulty in getting your tickets and eventually getting your cheap seats on your desired sports.

Getting all these online are a great relief to busy and tired people. My friend can really benefit from this site as she doesn’t have the time to go to some stores to get her ticket. This way she will not only save time and money but save her feet as well because she can have her tickets in the convenience of her home. She actually browsed their listings and been picking out some nice sport show tickets on the list including Calgary Flames Tickets so she can give the ticket to her father who likes to watch hockey. It’s good that she was able to get premium seats as they can watch in front seats. For inquiries you can call their customer representatives anytime.


About This Blog

This blog talks about everything about career, job and human resource. It also shares about hobbies, sports and travel. Several years in corporate world taught me a lot of things about life and work and I'm sharing all of these here.

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