We Think We Know The Ones We Love

>> Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Carry On Tuesday #13

The prompt this week is the opening sentence from
The Story of a Marriage by Andrew Sean Greer

We think we know
the ones we love.

Use all or part of it at the start or somewhere
within your poem or prose.

Here's my self-made Poem

We think we know
the ones we love
Like the simple gestures
of sweet nothings
The simple warm look
of caring and loving
The simple acceptance
of partner’s imperfections
Like knowing when
to give your understanding
To the one you love.

I think I really know my love
Come what may I’ll still love him.

I think it's not what you think or what you know about your loved ones, we should really accept them as they are even if we discovered that they're not the perfect human that we think they are, it's part of the thing called 'love', Love is acceptance and understanding. Remember God love us even if we're not perfect!

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I Love Personalized Flash Drives

I’ve always been dependent on storage devices for my office works and online jobs. It makes my jobs easier because I can carry multiple images and files wherever I go. As I’m a blogger sometimes I go to different places and if I have some due dates on my assignment I’m confident enough that I have my files and pictures with me. It makes my life convenient and my job easier as I sometimes hop from one computer to another whenever the need arises. I was happy that my friends gave me flash drives as their souvenir gift for me when they went abroad for business conferences. They know that I love gadgets and tech accessories not at all feminine though.

Because I really need multiple files and pictures for my writing jobs I wanted more than two flash drives and I also want to give my kids their own flash drives for their school projects. I was actually looking for Personalized flash drive which was given to me last holiday by one of our telco providers as their Christmas gift to me. It was a nice remembrance as the name of the company was etched in the flash drive. I have a friend there also and I know she picked that gift for me. Now I’ve found online that you can have personalized flash drive with variety of choices on the color and material. I felt very excited browsing different designs, style and color of flash drives and I particularly liked the one encapsulated in leather. It’s elegant and very beautiful.


Inter-School Journalism Competition

Early in the morning both my daughters joined the team that will compete in an inter-school Journalism contest, it actually started yesterday but the real competition is only today. I didn’t go with them as it’s a whole day affair and Josh will be alone with my Mom the whole day and he needs to review for his last day of examination tomorrow. Anyway I taught my kids on the basic of writing a good post with some relevance to journalism.

Ruth just joined the Filipino journalism club last Saturday and she was picked to join the group yesterday. Actually I just learned it in the afternoon when I visited their school. They had a late notification that Filipino journalism will be competed together with English. I can feel the rush preparation of school teachers assigned to head and manage the team. It’s hard to work like that especially if you’re dealing with kids. The other English journalism competition is a little bit prepared as Gen has been joining journalism classes for one month now on a twice in a week schedule. Hope the school will meet a good competition and bring home awards or ranks at the least. Good luck to the whole team!


About This Blog

This blog talks about everything about career, job and human resource. It also shares about hobbies, sports and travel. Several years in corporate world taught me a lot of things about life and work and I'm sharing all of these here.

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