Deciding on Special Music Class
>> Tuesday, July 14, 2015
Since my two girls are already in their college I know what they want to be when they finished schooling as they both chosen career path for themselves. Now for my big boy who is turning 12 in September I know that he’s not yet sure on what career he wants for himself. Sometimes he would ask me what I want for him and few times he will tell me that he’s starting to realize what he really want to be. In his young mind he is full of hopes, goals and dreams and for now I just encourage him on whatever he may want to achieve.
One of his wishes is to be very good in playing various musical instruments and I inspire him to learn more. This morning as his school passed us the form for enrolling clubs and special music class we’re thinking carefully if he’ll take keyboard class or enroll in guitar lessons. If he’ll be taking up guitar class I’ll look for a new guitar for him like the one I saw online with nice accessories. I saw they even have guitar shielding for guitar’s pickguard. Well Josh is very well versed in browsing online sites especially when it comes to musical instruments and techie sites. I’ll let him decide his special class tonight.