EC Promo For Today

>> Monday, June 1, 2009

There's something good about EC just for today. Just a little twist to the ordinary ec dropping and credits. Well entrecard is giving and crediting 2 points for every drop that you'll make today. Wow your credits will double but the other side of the story is the receiving site or blog won't earn any credit. This is a on-eday offer only so grab it! Drop it like rain!


:WS - Mom's 77th Birthday!

Mom celebrated her 77th birthday last Saturday the 30th of this month. It's her happiest birthday to date as the gift she has received from God surpassed all material gifts. God has given her another chance to see the beautiful creations of God. She's even happier when our close relatives went all the way from Laguna to greet Mom! They brought many foods you'll think they're the host :-) Actually we didn't invite anyone but we cooked spaghetti, afritada, barbeque and lots of dessert. All of our guests brought some kind of food like maja mais, kare-kare and many more.


About This Blog

This blog talks about everything about career, job and human resource. It also shares about hobbies, sports and travel. Several years in corporate world taught me a lot of things about life and work and I'm sharing all of these here.

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