You’re Hired! 5 Ways to Make Your Resume Stand Out In the Crowd
>> Friday, June 20, 2014
The jobs market is a very competitive place, with some recruiters reporting receiving hundreds of applications for a single position. Even when the number of people vying for the role isn’t that high, you are still nearly always going to be up against other people, some of whom may look rather similar to yourself in terms of qualifications and experience. So how can you make sure that your resume is the one the hirers are noticing? Start by checking out the five tips below.
1. Tailor Your Resume To The Job
Your resume needs to tell your professional story succinctly – but there are different ways that you can present the information so that you stand out as a star candidate for the role at hand. You can have a basic template to use, but tweaking which skills and experience to highlight to suit every application is recommended over using the same document for every application.
2. Include A Cover Letter
This shows that you have taken extra initiative, and can help serve as a form of selection criteria if none was provided for a position. Needless to say, this document also needs to be highly customised for each position that you apply for. It doesn’t have to be long – one page should be sufficient, but it can help introduce you and lets you inject some of your personality to support your resume.
3. Include Descriptions in Your Job Titles
A job title rarely accurately describes what the position actually entailed, so consider adding some key words so that your skills and experience stand out. For example, “Online Marketing Executive With Ad Words Certification” is that little bit more descriptive than a generic term like “Online Marketing Executive”. Please note you should never ‘tweak’ the actual job title though – honesty is still the best policy.
4. Make Sure it Matches LinkedIn
While you want to put yourself forward in the best light possible, in addition to always being factual and honest in your resume, you also need to make sure that what you’re submitting matches your digital footprint. It is also a good idea to ensure that your other social media profiles are set so that only your friends can see your posts and your display pictures are relatively tasteful.
5. Inject Personality Professionally
Unless you are applying for a particularly creative role, your resume still needs to present as a professional document. Limit the use of colours, use a standard and easy to use font and while headings are recommended don’t go too overboard with bolds, italics and underlines. Let your skills and experience be what really shines.
Your resume is an advertisement for yourself, so it is essential to put your best self forward and taking steps to stand out professionally amongst the crowd. For more employment and human relations articles, visit
What is your best tip for making sure your resume gets noticed?