Searching and Knowing Your Career Goal
>> Monday, September 12, 2016
Choosing your career is not that easy. This is the reason why there are career talk and seminars given to high school graduating students to guide them on what they should take up in college. Some of the students have their minds set on particular course as early as when they enter secondary level but most are still not sure on what field they will take. As they’re still young they don’t know exactly what they want in life or what they want to achieve when they finish schooling so educating them with various career fields is really necessary.
I know a student who discovered her dream when she heard a good talk from successful alumni of their school who shared her journey in making her dreams come true. Inspired with the talk the student realized that she has the same dreams and would want to follow the same field of study. Some on the other hand realized where their interest leads to and finally decided on what course to take. In my own experience I helped my own child in deciding what course to take simply by asking her what she wants to do after college, her interest and how she pictures herself working. I explained her every course she asked and finally I hit her soft spot. She chose Industrial Engineering.
Knowing your capabilities and goals in life helps a lot in facing your future. It goes the same when you want to learn how to play musical instruments and what kind should be good for you. Some has the gift of playing every instrument they want to but others are just equipped with knowing only one or two. Well being able to play one kind of musical instrument is good enough as learning music is for me a great gift from God.
My daughter who is gifted with a talent in playing various musical instruments started her music journey with a question to me on how to tune an acoustic guitar and it all started then. Her journey started with one curiosity which led to a great blessing of playing good on keyboards, guitar and other musical instruments.