Big Changes

>> Friday, September 17, 2010

I was having a chat with my former classmate yesterday and we realized that all those years without communications are really bad because we missed updates on our lives. From the looks of it we really have a lot of catching up to do. When we were in college we’re as thin as sticks but now we both grown bigger. We’re both workaholic that’s why we always missed keeping our body fit. We neglect to do our exercise regimen so my friend likes to try those Diet pills that work without exercise because she’s getting so conscious of her big frame. Anyway she has reasons to be because she’s single and has to look slimmer I suppose. Well I also want to be fit and slimmer but my diet plan has to wait until my work relaxes a bit. I can’t eat light meals when I’m working hard.


Following Dad’s Footsteps

My nephew has started to pursue a career in engineering field and because his school is a four-semester college he will be able to graduate in college younger than others. His five-year course taking up Civil Engineering will be finished in four years’ time thus a strict study schedule is a must. As of my last conversation to him he told me that he’s fairly coping up with the pressure of studies and he has his Dad to teach him whatever he ask because he’s taking up the same career of his father. 

My brother was actually very happy on their enrolment that his eldest son wants to follow his steps even if taking up engineering course is not that easy. Anyway the pressures are not visible in my nephew’s face and I know he will not have a need for the products I read on proactive reviews. Although I don’t regret reading some acne-treatment solutions on the review I’m glad that my nephew has taken care of his skin well. I can just relate what I learned from the review to anyone who needs it. That way I can help them in avoiding some skin diseases.


Some Probable Investments

The country is undergoing major changes now with the new President and the people are hopeful again after some decades have passed. Meanwhile to help the country to improve we must do our own share of good citizenship by paying the right taxes and following mandatory rules from the government. With the kind of economy we now have it’s better to be wise in spending your money as every cents count. It’s better if we can save some money to put on bankable investment. I’m thinking of probable investments that can give us high returns of capital. 

I’ve been hearing about this investment offered by United States Gold Bureau where you can buy silver, gold and other precious metals and have them delivered to you. It can also be safely stored to a bank or you can keep them and wait until it appreciates its value over the years. It can also be a good collection as well because collecting gold coins proved to be a good hobby and tangible investment too.


Abnormal Working Schedule

When I was working for a consultancy firm we had the worst working schedule because we used to work for two or three consecutive days without normal sleep. We usually take a nap for about two hours and then we’ll go back again to work. We’re working on bidding proposals and we worked continuously until submission date. I just can’t figure out why some employers wanted to work on rush days near the due dates. We’re given three weeks allowance to do proposals but until the last week we keep on repeating the work and finalizing only on the last days. 

Because of our abnormal or no sleeping hours our body got accustomed to working overnight and when our schedule went back to normal hours we became insomniac. I was actually finding ways on getting back to normal sleeping habit without using the best sleep aid I found online while browsing through the net. I might have a use for it in the coming days as my sleeping hours now are quite abnormal and shortened.


About This Blog

This blog talks about everything about career, job and human resource. It also shares about hobbies, sports and travel. Several years in corporate world taught me a lot of things about life and work and I'm sharing all of these here.

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