Why Roadies Love Their Jobs, & How to Get That Career

>> Tuesday, December 11, 2012

None of the big concerts you have gone to, or will go to, would happen without a crew of dedicated roadies working, in some cases, around the clock. It can actually be quite easy to become a professional roadie and the work can be extremely rewarding. The only thing you need to be prepared for is a lot of hard work and long hours. But for many roadies that do the job their entire lives, the long hours and the hard work are big reasons why they do it.


How To Get Started









Image via Flickr by Gustavo Gerent

The best way to get started being a roadie is to get as much experience as you can working for anyone you can. You can approach local bands in your area and offer to roadie for them at no cost. This is considered valuable work experience and it is something every roadie goes through.


Moving Up


Image via Flickr by gandalf.blanco

Even working for a local band will give you invaluable experience in how to coordinate a show load-in, performing a proper set up and then coordinating tasks during and after the show. Once you feel like you have an understanding of what it means to be a roadie, it is time to put your name in to the local theaters in your area and offer your services. 

If you need a union card, then find out how to get one and put your name into the union theaters. If you put your name into enough theaters, you will get call backs to act as a roadie for a variety of acts. As you work for the different acts that come through your town, be sure that you give all of the road managers your name and number. Before you know it, you will be traveling with a real rock band and making a living as a roadie.




Image via Flickr by maol

The best roadies in the music business are the ones that have a variety of marketable skills that they either take classes for or learn over time. If you want to stay busy as a roadie and make good money, then learn how to be a sound technician, lighting technician, guitar technician, drum technician or any other specialized skill that bands need. Of course, the most important skill a good roadie learns is how to be reliable and dedicated to the job.


The Benefits


Image via Flickr by Earl - What I Saw 2.0

When you are a roadie for Brad Paisley, then you never have to pay for Brad Paisley tickets. As a roadie, you get to see some of the best bands in the world and get paid for it. You will also be getting paid to travel the world and see areas of some of the largest music venues that most people never get to see.

The stories told by professional touring musicians are only rivaled by the stories that roadies tell. Roadies are important parts of the music business and they have life experiences that most people only dream of. 


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This blog talks about everything about career, job and human resource. It also shares about hobbies, sports and travel. Several years in corporate world taught me a lot of things about life and work and I'm sharing all of these here.

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