Vacation Plans

>> Monday, November 10, 2008

My sis and I have been planning early our summer getaway and we’re eyeing the land of my husband’s parents, the beautiful beaches in Samar. My in-laws were always there twice a year to check on their house and to have a vacation as well.

Their house is just a few meters away from the white sand beach so it’s very convenient to spend vacation in their place. Best thing of all is that the beach there is free. It wasn’t operated by anyone so everybody can have fun without cost. Of course we would also love going to faraway place other than Samar. There are lots of beautiful places here and abroad. I would also love to book for an Outer Banks rentals in the future. We all love travel and vacation.


New Tax Guidelines

Now that BIR has already finalized their guidelines about the new tax computations we’re now implementing it to our system. We’ve adjusted our payroll now and I was glad to see that this increase in tax exemptions will help many people especially minimum wage earners which will be tax-free. If you must know an ordinary employee earning minimum wage will be receiving their salary full and those who earns a little above minimum will only have very minimal amount of tax – a hundred or so depending on their dependents. I must thank the people behind this new law regarding tax.


Online Shopping

For working moms like me who have to plan every little thing just to maximize working hours it’s very convenient to search items through internet. Now that coming December holidays is in the air most people have already their list of gifts for family, relatives and friends. I don’t have my list now so I browsed the net for possible gift ideas and look what I’ve found a website where you can do online shopping easily. With eBillme you can safely have your shopping and pay cash with online banking with not a single worry on your mind.

I’m amazed that aside from the convenience of shopping they also have this contest where you have a chance to win $1,500 every month and a grand prize of $15,000. Wow! Joining is easy, you only have to video your confession or story about your memorable shopping experience, load it on you tube and register at Be honest and have fun confessing your romantic, sad, funny and hilarious stories. If you want to join you can refer my link and register HERE!

My refer URL is


About This Blog

This blog talks about everything about career, job and human resource. It also shares about hobbies, sports and travel. Several years in corporate world taught me a lot of things about life and work and I'm sharing all of these here.

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