:Thursday Challenge - "Art"

>> Thursday, October 1, 2009

"ART" (Paintings, Drawings, Murals, Graffiti, Crafts, Brushes, Pens, Pencils,...)

This is a shot from Josh' educational tour to Philippine Airforce Museum which also gave me hundreds of interesting shots like this one which shows some of the airforce activities. This painting was done several years ago gauging from the look of the painting and how the museum present it. Everything that's been shown in the airforce museum is assumed to be old collections.

See more Thursday Challenge 'Art' entries here!


Women's Sweaters

If there’s anything that I always carry on a cold or rainy day it’s my jacket or sweater. I easily get cold when wet or when I’m exposed to very cold weather. Sometimes I chill at night in my worst exposure so every time I go out for work or dinner I always remember to bring a pair of women's sweaters to protect me from whatever weather I may happen to encounter.

I have about more than half a dozen kind of sweaters and jackets because when you’re working in an office you’ll have to make sure that your sweater matches your uniform or office attire. Well in most of the offices uniform comes with vest so they don’t have to worry about getting cold, we all know that some offices really maintain cold office temperature..

Well now that I wasn’t anymore working in office I want some new pretty sweaters to wear on different occasions. Being a work-at-home Mom demands a lot of time and frequent visits to school I was just glad to find some of the Coldwater Creek collection of womens sweaters, cardigans, and some other apparel. Aside from that they also have accessories for those who want to put some fashion in their clothing.


About This Blog

This blog talks about everything about career, job and human resource. It also shares about hobbies, sports and travel. Several years in corporate world taught me a lot of things about life and work and I'm sharing all of these here.

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