Love Taking Pictures of Babies

>> Saturday, November 7, 2009

Baby Princess, daughter of my niece turned 5 months last week and because of busy schedule I forgot to take a shot of her. Since she’s 2 months old I always snap a shot of her pretty face and put it in my PC album. It’s nice having her as a model even though at first she didn’t know how to smile at me. Now every time I bring out my Canon camera she will smile at me. Maybe she feel excited when she heard the camera clicking and snapping. I just love taking pictures especially when my subject is babies.


Russ November 8, 2009 at 8:53 AM  

Babies are so much fun to photograph.They always give you a nice smile.

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This blog talks about everything about career, job and human resource. It also shares about hobbies, sports and travel. Several years in corporate world taught me a lot of things about life and work and I'm sharing all of these here.

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