Monday Sickness!

>> Monday, November 9, 2009

My my! Monday sickness is hitting me again; I’m so lazy and nappy today. All I can afford to do right now is to visit my fave blogs and to drop ec. Sometimes it’s good this way as I get to see and read interesting blogs and posts. I even added some to my entrecard existing lists. This is good for my traffic but not for my online tasks as I have few critical tasks today. Critical because it’s big lol! If I’ll stay this way the whole day I’ll be wasting some nice opportunities so I’d better be changing my moods. How about you are you having some Monday sickness? image by babypunk


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This blog talks about everything about career, job and human resource. It also shares about hobbies, sports and travel. Several years in corporate world taught me a lot of things about life and work and I'm sharing all of these here.

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