:Food Friday - Banana Heart Lumpia

>> Friday, November 13, 2009

I've tasted variety of lumpia because my Mom used to experiment almost everything to make lumpia out of the many kinds of food available. Mom has done lumpiang shanghai, togue, tuna, lumpiang tuna, assorted veggies, corned beef and many others but she didn't cooked us a dish like the one above. The picture was one of the presented nutritious food for the Linggo ng Wika and it's called Banana Heart Lumpia. The menu together with banana heart burger won the first place.

See other yummy foods here!


♥peachkins♥ November 14, 2009 at 10:35 AM  

I've been wanting to try cooking this pero nalilimutan ko..hehe

My FF entry: Calamansi Marmalade.

maiylah November 15, 2009 at 11:41 PM  

i think that this is the first time i've heard of this dish ... i want to try it! :)

thanks for playing again, Race
enjoy what's left of the weekend!

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