The Best Job I've Ever Had

>> Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Source: via Race on Pinterest

With all of the jobs I ever had, all six of them would never compare to my life time job of being a Mom.  The job without a day off, without specific time schedule and without boundaries on job responsibilities is also a non-paying job.  My salary for being a Mom are the kisses, smiles and hugs of my three beautiful kids and that's incomparable with all the thousands and millions in the world.  Such a great job that I've never applied to but gets employed at once after a year of marriage with my husband.  

The day that I hear the cry and saw the little beautiful eyes of my first born I was promoted to regular status at once.  Then every year thereafter I always have an increase and a bonus after my second and third child.  I don't have to impress my boss just to have promotion as God sees through all my love and care and promote me every single day of being a Mom. By the way, it's the only job that I will never get tired or disillusioned.  I will not resign nor retired from it.  It's a job for life. Now am I right in telling it's the best job I've ever had?


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This blog talks about everything about career, job and human resource. It also shares about hobbies, sports and travel. Several years in corporate world taught me a lot of things about life and work and I'm sharing all of these here.

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