Pushing My Music Studio Plans

>> Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Years back I have dreamed for a music studio for the family especially that my kids have flair for music. At their young age I’ve observed my grandfather’s music gift to them. They’ve inherited the skills and art of playing music instruments which my grandparents had when he’s still living. It runs in the blood because my brother’s kids have the same gifts as well. They also play various musical instruments like violin, guitar and keyboards. 

It’s a gift that should be nourished and improve so I really want to have a nice studio where they can practice their craft. This dream of mine was rekindled when I saw some studio equipment for sale at Msuician's Friend and I somehow think that those equipment would be a good addition to any music studio. If only I could save some more I would be having my dream studio this year. Well a dream is a dream and I can make it happen next year if I will push my goals.


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