Growing Up with New Hobbies

>> Monday, August 15, 2016

Josh is now on his freshman year in high school and I’m glad he’s grown up to be smart, nice and cool. He has a relaxed attitude over things which make me smile most of the times. At times I’m worried that he’s so relaxed for comfort that it will affect his competitiveness. Well Moms tend to worry too much I know but he’s my youngest and since my two girls are in college and most of the times they’re not in the house my focus is on Josh. My soon-to-be teenage boy is charmer too and he’s winning all of our attention in the house with his funny jokes, techie wizard info and sweet actions. 

Now he’s giving his attention on playing musical instruments which he really loves especially his keyboards.  He also has his flair on browsing music sites. When he told me about radial engineering at I’m amazed at how he can spare some of his busy hours to look at those things. He can easily understand things and equipment beyond his very young age and he tells me all about it when I go home from work. I wonder what he should be taking up when he finished high school. He has many things he wants to explore and maybe when he reaches the right age he’ll be able to choose which path of career he should take.


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This blog talks about everything about career, job and human resource. It also shares about hobbies, sports and travel. Several years in corporate world taught me a lot of things about life and work and I'm sharing all of these here.

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