Keep Smiling

>> Friday, October 8, 2010

Myspace Motivation Graphics Quotes

It always good to see someone smiling, more people are positively motivated to do more work if they see people smiling at workplace, school and on other places. If you're hiding something and you're smiling they'll never know what you're up to. Anyway it's not that hard to smile, it's harder to frown or make bad faces, and it will also make you look bad. Smiling makes a pretty countenance


June Zach (Fledgling Blogger) October 10, 2010 at 2:25 PM  

I completely agree!
When you see someone smiles, it makes you smile too. :)

By the way, I am no longer with Entrecard. I had a terrible experience with the network that it made me finally decide to leave. You can check out my latest post about it. But I am still SMILING. See---> :D

Hope you are having a blessed weekend! :)

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This blog talks about everything about career, job and human resource. It also shares about hobbies, sports and travel. Several years in corporate world taught me a lot of things about life and work and I'm sharing all of these here.

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