Be Prepared Always

>> Tuesday, October 5, 2010

My daughter was absent from school yesterday because she has fever and colds. It came as a surprise to us when she suddenly told us that she’s got hot temperature. We were at the church service and I just put some cold towel in her head. The reason for her fever is her runny nose and after one day her temperature returned to normal temperature but she still got some colds. As much as possible I don’t want to bring her to the hospital because there are many sick people there and she might contact severe sickness. I also don’t want being in the hospital for long because I took pity on those who suffer from heavy sickness and when I heard stories of not being able to pay the hospital expenses. 

It’s best if you have a health card or plan like the Blue Cross Blue Shield North Carolina health plan which caters to people living in North Carolina. You’ll have no worries about financial expenses when someone in your family needs medical attention, hospitalization or anything related to health expenses. It’s better if you’re prepared for emergency sickness than be saddled with big hospital bills.


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