Earning While Taking Care of the Kids

>> Saturday, January 16, 2010

I was trying to remain awake as I have many tasks to do. Actually it’s not my due date but I want to do my work ahead of schedule to prevent date miscalculations and expirations. I was really tired from house chores but sitting in front of my PC gives me some relaxation I guess because I’m really this kind of person that when I’m tired physically I can’t rest until my mind would be tired also.

Funny or weird but that’s what I developed when I had this job of always beating the deadlines of submitting proposals for certain million worth government projects. It was a life that you’ll not wish coming back for because even if you need to rest and sleep you can’t go home until the proposal is not finished and submitted on time. I’m glad that I was able to decide a different life outside the demanding corporate world. In my present job I earn and still can take care of my family all the time. Isn’t it a blessing? I’m so thankful!


andisuro January 17, 2010 at 4:38 PM  

Work is a ritual of worship to the God. All that is the blessing given to you. Grateful and thankful to God is the best thing to be done by every human being.

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This blog talks about everything about career, job and human resource. It also shares about hobbies, sports and travel. Several years in corporate world taught me a lot of things about life and work and I'm sharing all of these here.

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