Meeting on Induction of Officers

>> Monday, August 10, 2009

We had a meeting in my kids’ school where all PTA officers from all grade level and sections were invited. We held it in the school library to have a quiet atmosphere, as always attendance is only 50% of the expected attendees. The meeting is for the upcoming induction of officers on Friday where high officials will officiate. This is the first induction that will be attended by both our town mayor and provincial governor so we’re preparing (even if a little rush) some programs and food for the occasion. We were promised by the mayor’s staff that we’ll have official clothes for the occasion but due to some delay we’ll prepare our own designated clothes, we were again given an orange color for our level.

After an hour or two of discussing the program layout and food each grade level shouldered different food, we’ll cook chicken hamonado for 200 plus people and we’ll discuss the meeting and agenda with some of our co-officers in other sections of our 5th grade level. We’ll finalize our assigned food on Wednesday as we’ll wait for the other officers. As it’s about kids’ departure time I waited for them. They’re in the district school where they had journalism competition, together with some of their classmates (around 6 per subject) Gen will compete for English journalism and Ruth for Filipino journalism.


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