Dealing With Taxes

>> Sunday, April 26, 2009

My work primarily deals with finances and administration and though the company is just a small telecommunications corporation still confidentiality regarding finance is of utmost importance especially with me as I handle all collections and settlements. I’m handling the supervision of our accounting department and that requires me to oversee payroll, accounts payables, benefits, incentives and other accounting areas.

But if you’ll ask me I’m not really a graduate of accountancy but have finished a degree in computer engineering, an accounting associate close friend of mine just thought me a lot when the company was just starting and when she left I was left to take over her job. It’s alright for me to do these things except tax matter so I let our bookkeeper and auditor take charge of our corporate and individual employees’ taxes. Our auditor advises us to be careful about deadlines and due dates as we wouldn’t want the company to have penalty charges.

I’ve heard some cases of artists with the BIR regarding their taxes and I’m wondering why such cases happen as they have their own accountant to plan their property and professional taxes. They should have hired a competent person to do the job accurately like San Diego California tax law attorney who are well versed in property tax and all other kinds of taxes, just what everyone needs to satisfy their legal and finance requirements. It’s very important to hire someone who has the capabilities to fix all your financial and tax problems, it somehow put your mind at rest that no government tax agency will charge you of anything. It’s better to pay all our dues to them to prevent future humiliation and distress just like what happened to some artists who had to endure bad news and court case.


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This blog talks about everything about career, job and human resource. It also shares about hobbies, sports and travel. Several years in corporate world taught me a lot of things about life and work and I'm sharing all of these here.

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