If someone you love has been arrested, it goes without saying that you're beside yourself with worry. You'll naturally want to get them out of jail as soon as possible so you can decide what to do next. However, if you can't come up with the money to post bail on your own, you'll need the services of a good bail bondsman. Here's how to make sure you choose a good one.
Find Local Options
A solid web search for options in your area (for instance, a search for
Denver County bail bonds) is a great way to get a quick overview of what's available where you live. Don't just settle for the first guy you see though. Take a moment to make sure each of your choices not only has the necessary credentials to work as a bail bondsman, but has a reputation for being honest as well. Alternatively, if you or your loved one has already secured legal council, you can ask your attorney if there's anyone he recommends.
Talk to Each Bondsman
Take the time to speak personally with each of the bondsmen you're considering. Start by verifying their credentials and checking to make sure their bail license is current. Then ask each to go over the conditions and fees they would require of you in order to post your loved one's bail on your behalf. Most bail bondsmen will charge you about 10 percent of the bail set by the court system plus their own service fees. However, some bondsmen expect more than that, so it's important to know exactly what you're agreeing to up front.
Review the Contract
Once you find someone you like and have a good gut feeling about, go over the contract he hands you very carefully before signing it. Make sure you're given an
invoice and receipt for any and all charges related to the bail as well. That's it! Now you and your loved one can put your heads together and decide what your next move should be.
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