A Day of Learning Drums

>> Friday, December 23, 2016

It’s my daughter’s Industrial Engineering week few days ago and she was included in the list of performers. Yearly they listed a group per section to do music performance which is usually a band of drummer, guitarist, pianist, vocalist and some other instrumentalist. These groups will perform one by one and they will choose the best performing group. The higher year which has the expertise and experience usually has the greater chance but it’s just fine for the juniors because playing music is good enough for them. Every performance is an achievement when you’re an artist.

Gen knows how to play piano and guitar but since there’s no drummer in the group and she learns quickly she was appointed to handle the drums. She doesn’t know anything about the drum instrument but she still agreed to perform. A day before the performance she quickly study and play the instrument which I know would be an easy thing for her. 

Much to my belief on her she was able to perform more than what can be expected for a starter just in time that the guitar failed to play. To make the program alive my daughter Gen was interviewed by the lady student host and told Gen that she played music well. The host then asked her how long she’s playing drums and everyone in the theater wowed and smiled when she answered ‘one day only’. I’m so proud of my girl that even if she love to play guitar and want to buy d addario coated strings she still agreed to play other instrument that she hasn’t played yet. Her love for music and the genes of my grandfather really saved the day for her. Good job my dear daughter.


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