Work Becomes Fun and Interesting

>> Monday, May 19, 2014

I was so busy arranging the enrollment of my incoming freshman student in college that I suddenly have no time for myself. I always go to work in a hurry that I don’t think twice if my attire is right for my bag and shoes. Well I’m simple but I still need to dress up a bit in case my boss requires me to accompany him to his meetings with associates and partner. I don’t want to be under dressed on a meeting even if I know that on some people that we meet it doesn’t matter. I was trained to be always on the right attire with all the needed documents in tow for a perfect meeting conference. 

Now that I only have little time to buy for my own personal things like clothes, shoes, bags and accessories it’s nice to see some real good shops that caters to busy working Moms like me. Online shopping saves me a lot of time and effort on looking for the things I need for my office work. It’s great to find some fashionable accessories at Zalora that I can use on my everyday office attire and on special occasions as well. I’m a little bit choosy and I’m happy that I have plenty of options. Work becomes fun when you mixed it with some creativity on dressing up yourself. Glad we don’t have uniform.


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This blog talks about everything about career, job and human resource. It also shares about hobbies, sports and travel. Several years in corporate world taught me a lot of things about life and work and I'm sharing all of these here.

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