Working Away – Where's Best?

>> Sunday, October 20, 2013

People are increasingly exploiting the world market and taking advantage of employment opportunities abroad. With technologies such as email, Skype and mobile phones it's possible to work abroad and remain close to loved ones back home, eliminating the previous isolation emigrates might have felt. With so many opportunities on offer, it's often hard to decide where to go. Although many options will be limited depending on work availability, it's worth weighing up the pros and cons of where to start looking. So here are three of the best cities to work round the globe.

1. Amsterdam. Often dismissed as a pleasure seeker's paradise, there's far more to entice workers and visitors to this smart city. The pretty canals and bicycle friendly streets give this city the feel of a cosy town, meaning it's easy to adapt it as a home from home. Easily reachable by Eurostar, Amsterdam offers an easy first step to working away, knowing it's always an option to hop on a train and head home whenever needed.

2. Mumbai. The fourth most populous city on Earth, Mumbai (also known as Bombay) is the wealthiest city in India, meaning opportunities are in abundance. A cultural melting pot, all faiths are welcome meaning it's a tolerant and vibrant locality. A surprising draw might be the quality of beaches around Mumbai, allowing for lots of opportunities for relaxation when the nose isn't at the grindstone.

3. Adelaide. Australia has long held a draw for workers wanting to travel to a sunny but English speaking country. Adelaide is a planned city meaning its layout is friendly for a new 'local' to adapt to, it's also renowned for having a high standard of living. The defence industry has a strong foothold in Adelaide, showing its suitability for workers with specific skills and experience in the defence sector.

If these suggestions have whetted an appetite to travel it's best to undertake some employment law training in advance of moving abroad. Australian employment law for example will help unravel the complexities of the stringent visa rules. Similarly, understanding employment law in India will avoid any problems in either applying for or executing any new job role under the Indian sun. Because starting a new job is stressful enough without falling foul of the law: you want to spend your free time enjoying your new home, not fighting a legal case wishing you were back in Blighty.


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