Learning Music This School Break

>> Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Since the kids are now enjoying their school break they’re into their favorite hobby of learning musical instruments like piano, guitar, lyre and soon violin. I told them to take it one at a time because learning them all would give them some pressure. Well my second daughter is doing it on a weekly interval and she’s keen on learning as much as she can to maximize her vacation. The eldest is in between learning guitar and reviewing for her forthcoming college entrance examination in the next few months so it’s only one instrument for her. 

The vacation is doing them good despite the very hot weather. They eat well and sleep more and from what I’m seeing now they’re getting fuller cheeks. I hope that they will gain some pounds this summer to prepare them for the coming school year again. School days often took them some hours from their rest periods so it’s good that they make the most of their school vacation by eating, sleeping and learning musical instruments as much as they can. 

Anyway we’re searching for the best cajon for our home usage and also for our church because the one we’re using is really old and showing some signs of over usage already. Hope we’ll be able to find good deals online so we can spend our money on some instruments we need. We really need to update our instruments for better praising ceremony in the church.


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