When Opportunity Knocks

>> Friday, April 12, 2013

Sometimes opportunity knocks in our door but we're too busy to recognize it let alone opening our door to let it in. Most of the times we know it but we're having doubts about it and we're so comfortable in what we have that we didn't want change in our lives.  It applies especially to work opportunities which is a little bit difficult to decide upon when you're stable and happy with it. 

From experience I know that changing work and employment is exciting but at the same you'll have some apprehensions on your new employer, co-employees and the job itself.  Proving yourself once more is not that easy as work differs with every company that you work with.  Well this is what I've learned from working in six different companies for 20 years. 

Up until now I'm on my 6th company and hopefully the last....as I want to go back to blogging and writing in the comfort of my home.  The job that I've never counted as one is my most fulfilling job of all.  Aside from being a Mom my work-at-home blogging and writing articles and reviews gave me not just a fulfillment of my dream but a good source of income as well.  I was grateful and thankful that when this opportunity that knocked at my door more than 5 years I was able to recognize and grab it.  I know God was the one who knocked the door and gave this opportunity to me.


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This blog talks about everything about career, job and human resource. It also shares about hobbies, sports and travel. Several years in corporate world taught me a lot of things about life and work and I'm sharing all of these here.

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