Just the Right Broadband Satellite for Your Business

>> Friday, October 22, 2010

In business operation everything must be in perfect condition, the equipment, computer setup and all other peripherals needed to ensure smooth operations. I’ve been employed with minor telecommunications company and we need the best internet connection because our main service relies heavily on communication. We need to be connected to local and international clients and providers 24/7 without failure or else our operation will suffer. We provide VoIP, DID and termination minutes and we have collocation abroad. Even the best internet in town experiences trouble that’s why we have backup for that.

Actually during the times I was there I’ve been thinking about suggesting a broadband satellite that would give us 99% delivery on our connection needs. Well now I learned that Skycasters Satellite Internet can provide Internet solutions for businesses that need more than just the ordinary internet connections. Their teleports, hubs, network operating center and client’s equipment are all business-grade and company-owned. Businesses can count on their low-latency data transmission; reliability and performance with 24/7 live in-house experts to handle tech support and customer service with friendly languages you can understand.
They can deliver fast and affordable satellite Internet, the best in IP-based satellite communications and more. They can also offer unique solutions where they can design a package for you if you need more than just Internet like VoIP, streaming video, video conferencing, VPN, VLAN and others. No need to worry about worst situations like natural disasters as they have backup facilities for worst situations.


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This blog talks about everything about career, job and human resource. It also shares about hobbies, sports and travel. Several years in corporate world taught me a lot of things about life and work and I'm sharing all of these here.

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