Mom’s Old Medicinal Books

>> Wednesday, March 17, 2010

I’m reading my Mom’s old books to look for medicinal plants that can be used for simple sickness in the house. I feel I should know things like that because I don’t want to rely much on the drugs available in the market. I know that oregano leaves can cure simple cough and very good for babies and toddlers. It’s a mild formula for them and it promotes good health too, you can even take them when you’re not coughing. It can also be used for cooking. Well I also found in my Mom’s book some foods that burn fat and I jotted them down immediately for myself since I feel I’m gaining some pounds lately.

Since I can’t consult my doctor right now I feel safe using natural herbs. I'm also taking plenty of vegetables and fruits everyday for fiber supplement. I’ve been reading a lot these days about health and home because I’m planning to open another site with that kind of category. My Mom’s books are really the best book for me as it answers most of my researching that I can’t find on the net.


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