Five Things I Would Do.....

>> Monday, October 5, 2009

Now this week's theme is a little dreamy lol! Ok I'll post my five things here, the things that I would do, if money were no object.

Five things I would do, if money were no object.

1. Help build a building for our church so we will not rent anymore and design a church place according, to our requirements. I want a church that will include a swimming pool for baptism, a half hectare lot for camp fellowship, sunday school for children, new musical instruments for our musicians and a vast library for everyone!
2. Free health card for everyone!!!
3. Scholarship not only to super brainy children but for average students as well who have the will to attain good education.
4. Buy a vacation resort near the beach so my family, friends and church mates can relax there anytime they want.
5. Buy a franchise of Jollibee (one of kids' favorite fastfood resto in the Phils.) so my kids can go there and eat anytime they want lol!

Well ok it's only a dream but anyway I'm not asking for the moon right? Even in my dreams I try to dream the possible ones! Hope you enjoyed reading it!

Be sure to stop by Becca’s Buzz to see the other Give Me 5 participants!


Marice October 5, 2009 at 8:47 PM  

wow like your list.. esp your # 3 :)

mine is up too

Stacey October 5, 2009 at 9:52 PM  

Love your list! This was so much fun! :-)

Kellie October 5, 2009 at 10:47 PM  

Do tell... what is Jollibee? It sounds lovely and makes me want to get a lifetime membership there also!

Great list! Happy GM5M! :o)

BeccA's Buzz October 5, 2009 at 11:15 PM  

Wow, this is really a great list! I was thinking too, that if I didn't have to spend time at working earning money, I'd have way more free time to do the things I'd love to do to help people and make some things happen :)

Ps. If you wouldn't mind, adding a link back to the Give Me Five post on BeccA's Buzz? That way your readers can find it and play along as well. :) Thanks!

Race October 5, 2009 at 11:44 PM  

Hi Kellie! Jollibee is one of the most popular fast food chain here in the Philippines, almost all Filipino kids love it!

Vivian October 6, 2009 at 5:52 AM  

great list...i love all the ideas posted.

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