:WS - Nutrition Week

>> Monday, August 3, 2009

The Parade
Cooking Competition of PTA Officerswith our Orange Groupwith Principal Mr. Leoncio Padit and Overall PTA Pres.The Yellow GroupThe Pink Group (winner)

These are snapshots from last week's SJES celebration of Nutrition week which started with the parade of students with slogans and baskets of nutritional foods. Then they had a program which showcased contest of slogans which I've featured in my other blog. It's the first time that they celebrated Nutrition Week with cooking competition played by PTA officers of all grade levels. Each color represents one grade level from 1 to 6. I just posted 3 groups here. The pink group gets the prize of 1 sack of rice for bagging the 1st prize for their burger patties made of banana heart. I'll feature the menu entries in Food Friday later this week.

See other weekend snapshots here!


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