Big Bro's Pickup

>> Thursday, August 20, 2009

Big brother dropped by yesterday and we had a noisy lunch as we’re complete yesterday in time for my sister’s birthday. It’s not everyday that we all have free time to be with each other because of our work and families but yesterday we had a talk about almost everything that concerns us three siblings. We also discussed the needed fence construction and some inner renovations; all these things are my brother’s concerns as he’s the engineer of the family. He showed us his newly acquired second hand pickup which he will use for his construction projects and for some run errands. We earlier advised him not use his other car for construction and as soon as he found a car suited for his projects he immediately bought it. He has already registered the vehicle and we reminded him to get the car insurance papers he has applied last week. He searched for the best car insurance that’s affordable for his budget because he really needs it for safety purposes as his pickup will also be used in long distance travel.

Well you can try looking for yourself online as you’ll find the answers there like a car insurance that defines affordable rates. You’ll be amazed that you can get your quotes easy and quick. We should always think of the best way that we can extend our finances like getting the best deals in everything that we purchased and in services that we asked for. Nowadays we must be smart and wise in spending our money to get through this current economic crisis.


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This blog talks about everything about career, job and human resource. It also shares about hobbies, sports and travel. Several years in corporate world taught me a lot of things about life and work and I'm sharing all of these here.

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