Telephone Etiquette

>> Wednesday, July 8, 2009

As I’m working in a telecommunications company and having been in an environment of a small call center I learned some facts and tips on how to handle calls with customers. Actually I’ve been doing this for several years now when I’m dealing with our providers and clients and it really helps me in communicating with them. It’s always good to be nice on the phone because it encourage good communication. My boss always tells me that I’m very friendly when talking with our clients and partners.

Here are some tips for you guys:

- Always smile when you are talking on the phone. The customer needs to feel understanding in your voice.

- Answer the phone within the first three rings. This will give the customer a feeling that you are efficient and there to help him/her.

- Ask what you can do to help him/her. Doing so will let the customer know that you are willing to help in anyway you can.

- Always be courteous when putting someone on hold or transferring calls. Ask if you may put them on hold or transfer their call before you do it.

Follow these guidelines and I’m sure you’ll never go wrong. This is just a part of our seminar in Telephone Etiquette.


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