Consideration in Planning Your Meals

>> Wednesday, July 8, 2009

It’s time to get ready for dinner and it’s always the mother’s everyday question in her mind what will be the appropriate menu for this meal. The question keep hanging in my mind why is it necessary to plan luncheon or supper? Food served for luncheon or supper needs careful planning. Planning meals to meet the food needs of the members of the family requires careful attention.

You have to consider the weight, age, gender, occupation, likes and dislikes of your family members who will be the recipient of your cooked meals. You also have to consider with special attention your budget for that particular meal, the preparation time needed to cook the food, weather condition and the six basic group foods for healthy purposes. I know it’s not an easy task but it can also be a challenging one for Mommies like us. You just have to follow some pointers and simple rules to plan just the right and adequate luncheon or dinner for your loved ones.


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