It's Hard to Be Sick

>> Tuesday, July 7, 2009

It’s hard to get sick that’s why I’m thinking of ways to avoid it especially for my kids because children are susceptible to sickness especially if it’s airborne. I told them not to miss their vitamin so they can fight common sickness brought about by the changing weather. I always gave them Vitamin C as their resistance for common respiratory diseases that’s very common these days especially the current swine flu which can be transmitted easily.

My grandma used to tell me that an ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure and I know she’s right in saying that. It’s tough to acquire heavy sickness that will require the patient to be hospitalized for days because it would be hard on the patient and also to your budget. The kids will not like it sometimes if they’re going to have food supplement through dextrose and sometimes if the patient can’t move they’ll put the catheter for convenience purposes though for some they’re not comfortable with it. Anyway I’ve experienced having catheter and was glad it helped me after my caesarean operation.


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