A Simple Meme

>> Monday, March 2, 2009

I thank my sweet friend Lainy of Our Journey To Forever for including me in this meme, it's fun to do things like this to lighten my modd sometimes. So now I decided to do it at once. Thanks again sis!

The Rules:
Copy the questions below. Simply use the first letter of your name/nickname as your answer for each questions. You can't use any answer twice and don't use your own name for questions # 3 & 4. After you're done, tag 10 people.

1. What is your name? Racelyn a.k.a Race
2. A four letter word: Roam
3. A boy's name : Raphael
4. A girl's name : Redge
5. An occupation : Realtors
6. A color : Red
7. Something you wear : Ring
8. A type of food : Rice
9. Something found in the bathroom : Roll-on
10. A place : Rome
11. A reason for being late : Relaxing
12. Something you shout : Reign!
13. A movie title : Ratatouille
14. Something you drink : Red Tea
15. A musical group : River Maya
16. A street name : Rodriguez St.
17. A type of car : Revo
18. A song title: Redeemed
19. A verb : Rise. I hope you'll also find this meme fun and exciting as much as I did: Will tag 10 people later.


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This blog talks about everything about career, job and human resource. It also shares about hobbies, sports and travel. Several years in corporate world taught me a lot of things about life and work and I'm sharing all of these here.

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