Top 3

>> Monday, February 23, 2009

My Top 3 Meme. Thanks Bes JennyL for this one!

~Three Names that Friends Call You: - Racel, Race, Cel
~Three Most Important Dates in your Life: - May 4, 1996, August 18, 1997, Jan.12, 1999, Sept.5, 2003 (sorry 3 isn't enough)
~Three Things You've Done in the Last 30 Minutes: - Informed my boss about his cocktail meeting, Called my kids at home, Talked to Hubby on the phone
~Three Ways to be Happy Even you're at Home: - Bake or cook something special for hubby and my kids, Listen to Music and Use the WOW Magic Sing, Eat Popcorn while watching a movie
~Three Gifts You Would Like to Receive: - HP Notebook, Free Baking Class Registration/Enrollment, Vacation Package for the Whole family, kinda grand lol!
~Three of Your Favorite Hobbies: - Cooking/Baking, Blogging, Reading
~Three Places You Want to go for a Vacation: - Bohol Beaches-Philippines, Venice, London
~Three Favorite Drinks: - Coffee, Four Seasons, Green Mango Shake

Feel free to grab this if you want!


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This blog talks about everything about career, job and human resource. It also shares about hobbies, sports and travel. Several years in corporate world taught me a lot of things about life and work and I'm sharing all of these here.

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