Me, Myself and I

>> Monday, February 23, 2009

I was tagged by Chinky Mel, blogger I came to know through EC. As the title suggests, this portion is all about me. So for all those bloggers out there reading my blog, here's 25 things about me, you'll get to know me a little better here...

1.) I love the color red and pink.
2.) I'm a born-again Christian.
3.) I'm a very friendly person, all our clients in my work became my friends lol!
4.) I'm a daddy's girl.
5.) I love chocolates whatever it is, don't care much if it's expensive or cheap just as long as its choco!
6.) I love cooking, baking and everything about the kitchen.
7.) I'm a walking songhits when I was in college meaning I know almost all the songs in full lyrics
8.) I love lettering and drafting. I have speedball book and speedball pen.
9.) I'm a graduate of Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering but my present job in a telecoms company is that of an Accounting Officer and deals with billing, collection and international carrier settlements. I also do Human Resources and Admiistration works, very far from what I studied in college don't you think?
10.) We're three siblings in the family 2 girls and a boy, Now I also have three kids 2 girls and one boy, what a resemblance!
11.) I used to be boyish when I was a kid until I graduated and had my first job but when I met God in my life my college friends can't believe my looks now lol!
12.) My hubby is my bestfriend for two years before we realized both that we love each other, he's my first!
13.) My plans always materialize in time or a little bit overdue! I told myself to get married before 30 and I got married at 28, I wished that I'll deliver my last child before I reached 35 and I delivered Josh 3 months before I turned 35 and now I want to retire from office work at 40 and I got approved after 10 months of extending my stay but I turned 41 before my boss approved it, a little bit delayed lol!
14.) My hubby loves me so much that sometimes I got spoiled!
16.) I love action and adventure movies.
17.) I always carry my notepad, ballpen, digicam, handy phone and eyeglasses wherever I go.
18.) I don't wear jeans same as my fellow sisters in my church.
19.) My hair is always black, straight and long.
20.) I love flat shoes because I don't want to look taller than my hubby. He's taller than me but girls looks taller than they really are.
21.) I love veggies and tofu together and I know more than a dozen ways to cook it.
22.) I don't want to drive because I feel very relaxed riding a vehicle like a swing :-) and most of the times I feel very inspired to write while on travel.
23.) I'm workaholic.
24.) I can't breathe on confined areas, a mild claustrophobic person.
25.) My fave phrase "God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in times of trouble." and 'It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye. ...'

This is rather long.... I'm tagging Liza, Cecile, Redge, JennyL, Lisa, Tita Beng, Lainy, Gem and everyone who feels like doing this tag.... just be patient!


ChinkyGirLMeL February 24, 2009 at 2:24 PM's so nice to see you do this tag. you seem like a very well rounded person. will be dropping in more often to try to get to know more about u. by the way i guess we have a few things in common, i love the color pink and i'm a chocoholic also. =)

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About This Blog

This blog talks about everything about career, job and human resource. It also shares about hobbies, sports and travel. Several years in corporate world taught me a lot of things about life and work and I'm sharing all of these here.

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