Samar’s Get Away

>> Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Yes I spelled it correctly because Samar’s beach is one of the best summer get away. People keep flocking on the paradise resort of this archipelago most populated is of course the Boracay Island but for the natives of East Samar in Giuan they’ve found a place for them comparable to the beautiful and famous resorts in the Philippines. Good thing about this is that it’s for free, yes you can go whenever you want because it’s just a few meters away from the village and the beach is not owned by a rich businessman.

The whole beachfront of this town is free. Why I know? Because it’s the hometown of dear hubby where the whole clan of his parents resides, though I may say hubby and his siblings were born and raised here in Quezon City. He always tell me that he’s a Quezonian lol! He’s the only one in their family of eight that’s never been to this place because his work can’t allow long vacation. Wish we could file a leave from work and be there on summer! Wishes!

See pictures of hubby’s siblings here!


Unknown October 15, 2008 at 7:25 AM  

YES to that Racel!!! Samar is a place to see. Been there already because my mom's a native of that province. It's a paradise out there and one should see it with his own eyes to believe. It's definitely God's Creative Power at work. Majestic indeed!!

vicy October 16, 2008 at 1:09 PM  

Sis have something for ya in my page..Please grab..Have a nice day and God Bless!!

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