Mother's Day For Two Moms

>> Sunday, May 11, 2008

It's our day dear Mommies all over the globe. I really want this day as days like this one things don't go the normal way. My eldest Ruth and hubby cooked breakfast and it's good to wake up without rushing up to cook for them, I love to cook but sometimes I'm so tired after a night's blogging.

Since it falls on Sunday we finished our fellowship service before we go somewhere to have dinner. Redge went home first to pickup Mom from our house and they've gone shopping in Robinsons metro east before we got there before 7pm. It was a dinner for two generation of mothers, my Mom and I which Redge always fondly calls 'The Super Moms'. Of course we were always flattered every time she speaks about it. We ate at Greenwich because it's the choice of my dear kids and we seniors always follows! Anyway we all want pizza, salad and pasta.

I received little gifts and some sweet notes from my kids and was thankful to God for having such a loving family. I have a doting mother, understanding and caring husband, thoughtful sister, very kind brother and lovable kids. What more can I ask for! And you know what? When you ask my Mom you'll be amazed that she'll answer you with the very same phrases. Like mother like daughter, really!!!


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This blog talks about everything about career, job and human resource. It also shares about hobbies, sports and travel. Several years in corporate world taught me a lot of things about life and work and I'm sharing all of these here.

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