My Options and Reason

>> Saturday, May 10, 2008

It was a very nerve-shattering moment when my boss suddenly appeared in the office early in the morning last Wednesday, the day after I've sent my resignation letter. He never usually do that as he just report to office twice a week as his son is the managing person in the company. After the night that he received my letter of resignation and my mind was restless as to what his decision may be, I don't want him to feel bad about my letter because the main reason of my resignation is to take care of my family and my mom. I just felt that it's really time for my mom to take it easily, I mean on nurturing my kids.

I have offers from two companies to work for them but I really didn't find a niche in my heart to transfer to another job that would also take my time off my family. I reached the point in my life when I want to seriously take good care of my family and as my mom don't want to hire a helper the only solution is for me to give up my work and change my path of career from a working mom to a full-time mom and daughter. Thanks to my friend JennyL who introduced me to a part-time job that would require me to go back to my first love and fondest hobby - my writing.


Marites July 5, 2008 at 9:46 PM  

I admire your courage and determination to stand by decision. Like you, am also in the crossroad and am trying to find some alternative that I could actually do what I want. May God guide you on your decision.

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This blog talks about everything about career, job and human resource. It also shares about hobbies, sports and travel. Several years in corporate world taught me a lot of things about life and work and I'm sharing all of these here.

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