Teen Mom's Chelsea Houska Welcomes Baby Boy

>> Tuesday, February 14, 2017

He's finally here, and boy, is this boy a cutie! Teen Mom star Chelsea Houska welcomed her baby boy Watson with hubby Cole DeBoer a couple of weeks ago, and the family seems to be settling in nicely. The couple have shared some super adorable photos in the past few days, and even the cutest video of 7 year old daughter Aubree holding her new baby brother! The beautiful reality star has been so excited in the days leading up to her baby's birth, posting on her website about how ready Cole was to be a dad! It is SO nice to see Chelsea and Aubree both so very happy! 

Will there be more babies to come for Chelsea and Cole? She has said in the past that she would like to have three more babies after Watson, but joked that people always think she is crazy when she says that! She definitely makes an adorable pregnant woman, and is a great mom already, so we could totally get behind the idea of a whole little Cole/Chelsea army! We are so happy to see how happy Chelsea is, even though she has been going through a bit of a hard time dealing with Aubree's dad, her ex, Adam Lind. Adam reportedly fell more than $4000 behind in child support for Aubree, and more than $5000 behind for his other daughter, Paisley. The two are reportedly still engaged in a lengthy custody battle as well. We will be following Chelsea on the status of that case as well as updates on her adorable new baby boy! 


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