Choosing Your Career
>> Saturday, November 15, 2014
Choosing career need not be too hard if you focus not just on your skills and intelligence but on your passion as well. Many students choose a college course depending on the demands of job employment but others follow the desires of their heart. It’s both acceptable but you should also weigh things before deciding what career to take. For my kids I always tell them to think of what they want to be when they work and with that they can perceive what possible courses would fit not just their desires but their capabilities as well.
My younger daughter who loves music and plays various musical instruments asked me if she could take up music. I told her to think it over as she can study music anytime she wants even after she has finished a college course that would ensure her of work stability in the future. I advised her to think deeper of her goals and dreams and she can take up both if she desires. She’s just very interested and fascinated with music that her attention is focused on having as many instruments as she wants like the acoustic di box at guitar center, new piano or any instrument that fancies her young mind.
Well I’m proud that like my grandfather, uncle and brother she inherited our ancestors’ talent in music and that she can use it in our church. I just hope that her fondness with music continues until she has grown up to be a grown up lady. Her dreams of having a degree in business or engineering will go well with her love for music. It will not in any way complicate with her dreams.
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