Talents and Interests in Music

>> Thursday, December 5, 2013

As the kids are growing up they’re beginning to show inclinations on various interests like arts, sciences and music. Arts and music runs in our blood and I could see them not only on my brother’s kids but on my own as well. My Mom always tell me how good in singing my grandfather was when he’s younger. He also plays Alfa and was really good at it that every one identifies him with his musical instrument. He has interest in other instruments like guitar and flute but he’s the best in Alfa. 

With his fondness in musical instruments I wonder if he could resist Agazarian cymbals when he see it in his generation. Now my grandfather’s penchant for music and various instruments will only be continued with his grandkids whose likings for the same things was passed unconsciously. Well many people has told me that it could be genes and I’m happy that God has blessed the kids with a good one.


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