Prioritizing Your List of Work

>> Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Source:  via Race on Pinterest

When I’m working I see to it that I have my notebook where I can list all the things I have to do for the month, for the week for the day. I’ve been doing this since I started working two decades ago. It has helped me a lot in ensuring that I will be able to do my work ahead of time and will not forget any of those tasks. Even my former boss referred to my list at times when he want to make sure of the past dates of transaction or when he want to remember future deals with the customer. 

In doing your list you should have some noticeable marks labeling your list according to level of priority, days to do it and people in-charge of the job beside you. Prioritizing your to-do list is of great importance because you’ll be able to maximize not just your time but your efforts as well. Of course you don’t want to be so early on the job which is not due immediately when another task is waiting to be done on the next day. Working is like treating your family also because you have to plan everything for them and give what they want at a time when they really need it.


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This blog talks about everything about career, job and human resource. It also shares about hobbies, sports and travel. Several years in corporate world taught me a lot of things about life and work and I'm sharing all of these here.

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