New Work Again

>> Saturday, July 6, 2013

After my resignation from a two-year pioneering job in a new company I started to be super active in my online writing works. I’ve applied to many direct advertisers and joined more groups to widen my earning opportunities. I even joined Elance and luckily won a bid in few days of joining. God has given me provisions to support and finance my family’s needs in the months that I worked online at home. 

During the first month after my resignation I summed up my earnings and figured out that it’s not enough to sustain my kids’ school fees and even if I shelled out all my earnings to enroll them I need to save again. Since my online earnings are just enough for our current needs I started to think of applying for a part-time job because I only need additional income as I’m already earning online. 

Well I guess my plan is not God’s plan because when I applied in my former company for which I served for 16 years I was hired for a full time job. I cannot find a part-time job that I like and it seems good to work again with my old colleagues. Now I’ll be starting on a project work next week as Admin. Officer and I can’t be thankful enough that God is always there to provide me with work whenever I need be it online or offline. God is good all the time.


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This blog talks about everything about career, job and human resource. It also shares about hobbies, sports and travel. Several years in corporate world taught me a lot of things about life and work and I'm sharing all of these here.

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