Giving Back to the Community

>> Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Via Flickr by badgreeb fattkatt

When you have money to spare, it is important to give back to the communities in which you live. Through his company and on his own, Peter Briger has done this in a variety of ways. Charities, endowment programs, and more have been a focus of Mr. Briger through his career. 


Along with other members of his family, Mr. Peter Briger has given back to Union College in the form of two endowments. There is the Briger Family Endowment for Faculty Development – History Department, and the Briger Family Endowment for Faculty Development – Political Science Department. These endowments help ensure that these departments have the best faculty. This in turn helps the school as a whole keep a good reputation as a great learning environment.

Many endowments have requirements as to how the money is spent. This usually includes ensuring there are good teachers and the technology and equipment needed to properly teach the subject. These endowments also require save investments that are likely to have a good return, to further help the schools. 


Fortress, the company of which Mr. Peter Lionel Briger is Principal and co-chair of the Board of Directors, has implemented charity programs that employees can participate in. Since 2004, the company has hosted a gift matching program each year. Through this program, Fortress and its employees have helped over 500 causes and charity organizations. With over $3.3 million donated so far, the company has plans to expand and improve its charitable donations.

Included in the companies that Fortress has helped are: Food Bank for New York City, Doctors Without Borders, Sanctuary for Families, and Toys for Tots. These groups all help families and individuals in need through the country and the world.

Political Donations 

Along with his charitable donations, Peter Briger has also donated to political campaigns. A monetary donation of $2000 was given by Mr. Briger to the John Kerry fund. Additionally, he co-hosted a party that generated over a million dollars for Senator John Edwards. Through the years, Mr. Briger has made political donations where he sees it will be helpful to the community. 

There are many ways that people in power and those with money can help others. Whether giving back with time or money, it is important that everyone gives what they can when they have a little extra. Mr. Peter Briger has done this both himself and through the companies he has worked with, for many years.


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