My Bestfriend's Birthday

>> Friday, November 16, 2012

No work for today,  I've exchanged my Thursday rest day for this day as it's Jenny's birthday.  She's finally reached her middle 40s and I will be too next week.  Our birthdays always falls on the same day so it's going to be a Friday also on my birthday.  It's my 33rd times of greeting her as we're together since we're 13 years old when we're in our sophomore years in high school.  I've attended her simple birthday feast with my 3 kids and she's glad that I'm available even if it's a work week. 

Time flies so fast and we're even surprised that we've crossed more than three decades of friendship spent laughing, chatting, crying, sometimes shopping, eating in restos, having reunion with our high school friends, outing, bonding and a lot more things. This page is not enough to tell all the things that made us happy together in the past.  Those are small simple things that only friends can appreciate.  She even slept in our house when we were attending parties in our younger days.  On the night before my wedding we're all together- she, my sister and I  for my last day with them as single.  She's like a sister to me and I can't ask for a better friend than her.  She's simply the best.  Happy birthday Bes!


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This blog talks about everything about career, job and human resource. It also shares about hobbies, sports and travel. Several years in corporate world taught me a lot of things about life and work and I'm sharing all of these here.

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